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Norbury C of E Primary School

NorburyC of E Primary School

Laughter and Learning in a
Caring Christian School


We believe in the importance of giving all of children regular opportunities to build confidence by performing and presenting in front of others.  Regular, informal opportunities are provided in class, child led collective worship, and through our visits to Church.  Twice annually, a larger scale production is devised for an audience of our family, friends and the community.  Performing helps our children to develop their confidence, resilience, self-esteem and teamwork.  These opportunities also support curriculum learning in Literacy, PSHE, Art and Design and Music.

At Christmas, Starling and Kingfisher Classes (Years EYFS-3) produce a fantastic nativity themed performance for our school community, which is always a source of much delight!  In the summer, our older children from Heron Class (Years 4-6) create a fabulous production which is the source of much pride and joy for the school community.

Children are involved in all aspects of devising, from costumes, make up, character development, acting, singing and dancing.

All members of the school community have the opportunity to see professional productions throughout the school year.  In December, children visit Derby Theatre to enjoy a quality, inclusive stage production.  In 2022 and 2023, we have been fortunate to welcome the fabulous Babbling Vagabonds to our school to enjoy a professional production in our very own school hall!  These visits have been the source of much inspiration for our children.