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Norbury C of E Primary School

NorburyC of E Primary School

Laughter and Learning in a
Caring Christian School



At Norbury C of E Primary School, we promote and model a positive attitude to Maths.  We believe that all children can make progress in maths, becoming competent and confident Mathematicians.  Since 2019 we have been working as part of our regional NCETM Maths Hub to develop the mastery approach in our school.  This approach nurtures positive attitudes and builds confidence so that all children can achieve 'mastery'. 

teaching for mastery ncetm.pdf

In our mixed age classes, we carefully sequence the curriculum into small, progressive steps and create or choose our resources carefully.  Time is given for intelligent practice of key concepts.

We make use of NCETM progression maps to support the progression of key concepts across the school.

1 progression map place value reasoning 137415599.pdf


2 progression map addition and subtraction reasoning 137415599.pdf


3 progression map multiplication and division reasoning f v2 137415599.pdf


4 progression map fractions reasoning 137415690.pdf


5 progression map ratio and proportion reasoning 137415690.pdf


6 progression map algebra reasoning 137415690.pdf


7 progression map measurement reasoning 137415690.pdf


8 progression map geometry properties of shapes reasoningv2 137415690.pdf


9 progression map geometry position direction and movement reasoning 137415690.pdf


10 progression map statistics reasoning 137415599.pdf

We use vocabulary precisely throughout the school to support learning and retention of key concepts between year groups.

This document shows how we have sequenced key vocabulary and concepts from EYFS-Y6.

mathematics core vocabulary progression.pdf

'Power Maths' has proved to be extremely useful in supporting our sequencing and understanding of mastery across the year group.  As we embed mastery throughout our school, working as part of the Maths Hub 'Sustaining Group', Power Maths textbooks and workbooks are sometimes used to support key groups in our mixed age classes.  To promote consistency of approach, the Power Maths Calculation Policy is applied.

calculation policy ks1.pdf