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Norbury C of E Primary School

NorburyC of E Primary School

Laughter and Learning in a
Caring Christian School

Forest School

At Norbury we are proud to offer weekly Forest School sessions for all of our children.  Forest School is a crucial part of our school provision, reflecting our child centred approach to learning, with a focus on 'process not product'.  Working with one of our three fully trained Level 3 Forest School Practitioners, children explore activities in a nearby woodland, working with fire and tools on their own or adult initiated projects.

We are an 'outside, all year round' school and are grateful that parents support us by ensuring that children have weather appropriate outdoor clothing.

Forest School also supports curriculum learning in Geography, Science, Design and Technology and PSHE.  Kingfisher Class have even had their modern foreign language lessons in British Sign Language in the woodland, and Heron Class have been busy learning outdoor first aid.