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Norbury C of E Primary School

NorburyC of E Primary School

Laughter and Learning in a
Caring Christian School

Courageous Advocates

We are so proud of our children who work hard to be agents of change in their communities, personifying 'Generous Faith, Courageous Hope or Life Giving Love'.

The Bishop's Badge Church School Awards

 In 1927, the Diocese of Derby was founded and Bishop Edmund Courtenay Pearce - the first Bishop of Derby - arranged for a medal to be struck to celebrate this new beginning.  Copies of the medal were presented to prominent members of the Diocese and to all those being confirmed in that year.

In recent years. the seventh Bishop of Derby, the Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, arranged for a replica of this medal to be minted and mounted in the form of a badge.  This tradition has continued and each year these badge are awarded based on recommendations made to the Bishop, as a gesture from the Diocese to acknowledge outstanding service to the church.

Bishops Badge Award Winner, 2024 - Millie

Millie received the award for her personal qualities of resilience, positivity, adaptability and bravery as well as her hard work raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of diabetes.  Millie planned and led fundraising days and assemblies where she has educated her peers and teachers.  By raising awareness she has also stopped one of her friends from getting as poorly as she did before her diagnosis as his mum was able to spot the symptoms early due to Millie sharing her story.  Millie has also raised approximately £6,000 which has been spilt between diabetes charities, and has also purchased craft items and toys for the children's hospital at Royal Derby with some of the money raised.

Bishops Badge Award Winner, 2023 - Freddie

Freddie is an inspiration to our school community due to his incredible strength and bravery despite a diagnosis of cancer.  Freddie shows us that it is possible to keep going with positivity and humour when faced with the toughest of challenges. His incredible dedication to school life, his studies and friendships were truly awe inspiring. We couldn't be prouder of him and all that he has achieved.